"Notre langue ne se contente pas de transmettre le minimum opérationnel, elle organise une pensée." un chef d'Etat français WELCOME This site will provide you with required information to:
Don't hesitate to write to us in french or in any language. And now take a look at some reasons why you should study french: French maintains a well deserved place of importance for several reasons: .It is widely spoken on five continents, in 44 countries It is among the principal languages of important international organizations .It is consistently among the two or three most important languages of internet Semantic reliability, clarity and strength in verbs are positive attributes of French Many people in Francophone countries are the very enthousiastic promoters of french French speakers enhance their sense of linguistic community through the organizations of "la francophonie" And there are more than 70 good reasons to be interested in French: http://www.utm.edu/departments/french/french.html
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Adress:Al Khuwair diplomatic area P.O Box 208 Muscat 115 Tel:681800/Fax:681843 E-mail:
Adress:Al-Wadi near Ussama Bin Zaid school P.O Box 1827 SALALAH 211 Tel/Fax: 296247 E-mail: cfosll@omantel.net.om